Media Ministry – Help Wanted


Granite Bay SDA Church is home to Pastor Doug, head of Amazing Facts, and that’s an exciting thing! We have the opportunity to serve in multiple capacities, one of them being Media which is one of the many ministries in this Church. If you have been wondering what it would be like to minister to thousands of people outside the walls of the sanctuary but don’t have any broadcast knowledge, not to worry! Each station is completely trainable. Even with no media background, you can contribute in this capacity. Here’s a look at some of the positions.


Learning to run camera is one of the most rewarding positions. There are physical cameras (left image) in the sanctuary and remote cameras (right) in the control room.


The technical director makes sure each shot looks good (adjusting light and color for each camera with switches) before the Director takes the shots that go out on the air. (left) The graphics station (right) uses a simple and standard program called ProPresenter to send images on the air. The images are mostly made through Photoshop which is also teachable without experience.


House sound (left) is another very simple position that anyone can do but how important it is to be able to hear what is happening on the platform in the sanctuary!

Other media positions include stage hand and studio audio. The stage hand places and removes mics and lets people backstage know when to come in/out among other things. Studio audio mixes the sound that is sent out over the air.

Each station shows how, in the body of Christ, each person has an important job. Never feel that what you have been placed to do right now is too small or insignificant! This is one of many ministries in the Church.