Healthy Lifestyle on the Go

Healthy Lifestyle on the Go

We live in most solemn times. Human probation is about to close. Thus, we must understand three facts. Namely, God is particular. Satan is sneaky. The Bible is our greatest weapon. The devil knows this verse. “For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.” We’ve got that covered. We keep the Seventh-day Sabbath. True. So, Satan will trip up Seventh-day Adventists with alternatives to Sabbath-breaking.

Making a Fresh Start

Making a Fresh Start

As the New Year begins, most of us long for a fresh start in our lives. Countless numbers of individuals make resolutions about how the new year will bring great change, but the challenge comes when those resolutions fail. As Christians, we have the opportunity to make a new start each day—with the grace of Christ to help us when we fall short of our own expectations or His.