Pathfinder's Update


The Pathfinders held its re-registration on January 7, 2018 and worked on earning the Pizza Honor. The next activity was a fundraiser, but more importantly, an evening of service. The club members served 75 attendees at the Valentine's Dinner, which had a theme on friends.

Reservations for Yosemite have been made for the next teenage excursion of rock climbing and all club members are currently learning about model rocketry.

We hope you see a difference in these young people and their desire to be of service!

On Friday evening, December 15th, the Pathfinders sang Christmas hymns at the Folsom City Sanctuary Zoo. The entrance was complimentary for all singing participants, including parents, siblings, and each Pathfinder. We even had some Adventurers join in! We sang near the entrance under a large, beautifully lit tree. A BIG thank you to all who came and sang! Especially grateful for Natalia, Andrew, and Aden who aided and guided our singing with their guitars and harp.


Thank you parents, too, for being available, helping out, and making the drive. One zoo attendant ran to our group as we began to sing her “favorite Christmas song” while others stopped and listened and at times joined in. We sang for three hours, taking partial breaks while keeping a core singing group; a light supper and hot chocolate was made available, too.

One passerby said, “they must be from a church” and another asked about the Pathfinder Club and what it was. Attendees were blessed, but so were we! Pixie Moyo said, “Keziah and I received the blessing by attending and singing and seeing all those tiny little kids who stopped their parents on their tracks to watch and listen. It was a blessing.”